This has got to be a cool moment - my writing buddy, Niki Aguirre, who blogs on the
virtual onion has gone and shown what's beneath my feathers by
'nomination' me for the
thinking blogger award. Now I'm not saying I don't think, but I stink at reading blogs. I read a few to amuse myself, but to nominate five that make me think, when Niki has already
stolen almost all the blogs I read is criminal. Anyway, I will try....
- For general thought and 'dopeness' - Koranteng's Toli
- For diverse musical stimulation - DJ Durutti
- For book-type thinking & tidbits - Ready Steady Book, Editor's blog
- For writer's perspective book stuff - Laila Lalami
- and when he's not too busy tipping points - Malcolm Gladwell
I guess I have to go and let some of these people know I've marked them for life. Oh no! Shea it ain't so (more on this Shea stuff in my next blog!)
what i'm reading/listening to
I'm reading London Book Fair gossip, hoping to find that my novel has been sold, and I'm listening to Don Cherry's Symphony for Improvisors (read a review)
Hey Nii -- THANKS ! very much appreciated.
I just posted to continue the meme, see: here
Ooh. Such august company you put my scribblings in.
Cheers and a head nod in your direction...
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