It was my girlfriend who suggested to me
that some poets try to build an audience on spirituality
and it's not surprising I missed it 'cos my mind just says goodbye
when a poet launches into a 3rd successive poem about the 3rd eye.
I'm not here to talk about those poets;
I'm here to talk about/to those who patronise those poets.
If you're happy to applaud 3 successive poems
loaded with spiritual clichés then you need help;
you need spiritual healing -
yes you do!
See when I choose to transport words from microphone to speakers
I do in some sense become a teacher
and so I consider it my duty to delve
beneath the easy options
and find truths to share…
If there's nothing there then I won't write…
So on spirituality I conclude like this:
I am my brother's keeper, but I'm not his spiritual healer
and nobody can tell you how to get in touch with your own spirit.
You don't need a 3rd eye to see that!!
Ha ha! Too right, people often mention failed standups/rappers with regard to poets and spoken worders but we should also set our sights on the failed healers/revivalists too.
Don't get me started on the healers - it's a genre on its own...
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